College Education: US Racial Groups and Sex in the United States, 2000-2010

The US Census reports the percent of US population, aged 25 and above, with college education (successfully attained) throughout the years [in this post, from 2000 to 2010]. To make comparisons across racial groups easier I averaged the levels through these years.  The results are interesting.

First the Asians, as a broad racial group have the highest rate of college education compared to the rest of the US population. This has always been true throughout the entire period.  At least half of the Asian population of ages 25 and above have college degrees, compared with barely a third of Whites, which is the racial group ranking next, followed by Blacks, and lastly, the Hispanics.

When broken down into the sexes, several interesting patterns can be seen.  Both Asian and White men have more college degrees than women; this pattern is reversed for Blacks and Hispanics whose women have more college degrees than men.

I note also striking gender differences among the two races which have the most college educated: there is approximately 3 percent point difference between White men and women, and a larger almost 7 percent point difference between Asian men and women. As mentioned, in both races, men have higher rates of college education than women. Meanwhile, gender based differences in college education is slight among the two racial categories with lower college education.


Anonymous said…
Did you test for the significance of your statistics? I am Hispanic, a woman, and an American. I have a PhD, two Master's degree, and speak 6 foreign languages. I also know other Hispanics like me. I demand to know to what extent your findings are likely to be artifacts of biased sampling


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