Beliefs to be Human by: my Religious Philosophy
We are here on the third planet to find our way back to the One. Stated thus baldly, this is much too simple, you say. But this simplicity does not even hint at the complexity by which “our way” is treaded. For in this way back, is the anguish and the tumult that rivals the fall of the angels. The way back to God demands nothing less than the perfection of the soul. How perfect? Well, just as perfect as God. And that, connotes all the anguish of life, all pain and of course, all endurance, all patience it entails to go this path to perfection. I don't know, but think and feel certain that this project of going back to God is not achievable in one short life. Unless we can ask someone to be perfect in our stead, which to me defeats the whole desideratum of perfection. In the first place, and this is important to emphasize because it is rarely stressed by sages through the ages that the way to perfection is not solitary, but social. Although ultimately perfection is of...