
Showing posts from March, 2015

Philosophy to Live By

PROLEGOMENON All sociological theories have philosophical underpinnings; all social science too.  And with quantum theory ascendant in physics, it seems that even the natural sciences also do.  Here I take a pause from empirical sociologizing and devote my thoughts to some philosophizing.  Such is long overdue.  I owe it to myself, and to my faithful former students, who now are social and political powers on their own.  In this era of Facebook, I can call them friends. My life, to some persons who will take the trouble, will be evaluated and judged.  Indeed, such is social life that we are always being judged, ever evluated by others.  Evaluations that are worth it will always include thoughts of the person being evaluated, and for a thought leader, such as once a professor, will include a consideration of my philosophy.  I have fought and won; as also I have fought and lost.  That is life.  Through my teachings and my posts, my...