
Showing posts from 2009

The Uses of Conflict

Students of Sociology of Development should write a scholarly critique of "The Functions of Conflict in the Context of Schooling" found at Your comments are due on July 22, 2009

Soft Power

Students of Political Dynamics of China and Taiwan are required to critique Joseph S. Nye's "the Rise of China's Soft Power", found at Due date is July 21, 2009

Your online syllabus: a tactical maneuver against AH1N1

Some behavioral adjustments against the virus: if you have any symptom of a respiratory infection,such as sneezing, coughing, fever, headache with runny nose, muscle pains, and whatever else, DO NOT ATTEND CLASS. YOU WILL BE ALLOWED MAKE-UP ACTIVITIES when you recover. However, you will have to present a medical certification of your illness. The following syllabi can be downloaded from my website Political Dynamics, Politics of Development, Sociology of Development, Democratic Theory and Practice and Political Dynamics of China and Taiwan. For undergraduates, take note of the schedule of quizzes, and the required name tags and readings. For graduate students, choose a reading to report on. There may be one examination before the midterm (preliminary) period, especially if a lot of meetings are cancelled. My mobile numbers are known by the Dean's Office. For your information and appropriate action.

The Calculus of Rationality: Supply and Demand

This module is for both Development Planning and IT & Politics students. You must submit in paper your answer to the quiz at the end of the module, and submit to me in person on March 14. Failure to do so will bring your grades down. The module’s content is the principle of supply and demand, which is useful for both planners and development analysts. The rational choice model in Political Science is based on a calculus of costs and benefits, and so is a whole range of social theories which build upon rationality and utilitarianism. Lately we have ventured into post modernist approaches, and it is good to bring the pendulum back toward the other end (positivism). Have fun testing yourself. Go to my website: and click the SUPPLY AND DEMAND link. Download the module, print it; study and weep; then weep some more; when you realize that only the strong survive, finish the quiz. Get drunk in batangas coffee (the barako breed) and rea...

The Religion of IT

The assigned module for discussion is “The Religion of Computers” by David S. Bricklin, found at Your task(s) are (1) to reduce to some 3 sentences paragraph the essence of Bricklin’s argument, and then (2) to write a critique, where you state whether you agree or disagree with his basic arguments. Although Bricklin writes about computer technology, you may extend his argument to mobile communications technology, such as the proliferation of cell phone models, and so on. In Youtube, see the clip "Colossus (the prequel to the Terminator?) It can add visual dimension to this learning module